Archive for June, 2014

Magician for Roseville High School Lock in.

I had a blast last night presenting magic for the class of 2014 at the Roseville High School Lock in Party.  It was fun to see the student’s faces light up with wonder and amazement.


One parent came up to me and said that many students commented to her that the Magic was the best part of the night.  Well, I love to make people laugh and have fun and it is great to hear that clients are satisfied with the quality of my efforts.


After that appearance I ran up to the North and did a second High School Show at 3AM. That was my 15th year at this High School for their grad party.

Tonight has one at 4AM and then tomorrow there are two different High Schools having our show at 1:00AM and the other at 3:00AM.  It is tiring but, very fun work.  Then on Monday it is the same odd schedule again.  It is great to hear the laughter. One of these schools has had me present entertainment for 17 years in a row and the one this evening has had me 18 years in a row.

Magician in Minnesota for banquets and High School Grad Parties.