Comedy Magician Norm Barnhart

Comedy Magician Norm Barnhart

Magic Norm brings entertainment to Corporate Parties

Comedy Magic Brings Life to the Party

I love to make people laugh.  Laughter truely is good medicine and now more than ever people need some laughs to help with the stress of life.

Laughter brings people together and builds a team.  Many companies find that a little humor in the workplace can raise productivity and lift morale. Many times I’ve been invited to speak at a staff development day or employee recognition event or corporate banquet.  Magic involves the audience and people enjoy seeing their coworkers invited on stage for some fun.

Clean comedy is the key. No one is embarrassed or put down. The comedy magician is the instigator of fun and brings an atmosphere of play.  People enjoy the mysteries of magic that cause them to think outside the box.

For over 28 years I’ve entertained full time and I still enjoy seeing a corporate executive or coworker double over in joy like a kid.  We all need to cut loose and break up the stress of life once in a while.

My earliest memories of trying to bring laughter was at 4-5 years old.  My family would sit around our tiny black and white television and watch the Red Skelton and Jackie Gleason  shows. Wow the roof would shake with laughter from my dad.  Ever since I wanted to make dad laugh!

In high school I started developing my comic routines and was hired to work at Paul Bunyan Amusement Park in Brainerd, MN twice each summer. I did three shows a day over the weekend. It was a great place to work out my chops. Other acts that entertained there each summer included the Minneapolis Magician Jose’ Santiago and The St. Cloud Magician, Russ Charles.  Russ was my mentor and a very funny entertainer. Both of these fine gentlemen are no longer with us.

Another act that also worked a few weekends each summer at Paul Bunyan Amusement Park was my favorite from Minneapolis TV, Roundhouse Rodney. He was part of the Casey Jones Noon kid’s TV show. I enjoyed his creative comedy and antics in the vein of Ernie Kovaks and Sid Caesar. He sadly died quite young while jogging in Brainerd on one of the weekends he worked up there.



The Secret to Comedy Success

The secret key is simple – to work a lot. Comics hone material at open mic nights and entertainers like myself work an amusement park in their teens and early twenties. Three shows a day at the Paul Bunyan Amusement Park was a great way to develop as a performer. I could discover how timing and pacing would bring more laughs.

Steve Martin in his recent excellent book, Born Standing Up, talks about doing magic and comedy skits at an amusement park in his teens and college years. It helped him develop as a performer and prepared him for the wild and crazy world of Stand up comedy.

30 years later I’m still enjoying bringing laughs to people and spreading a little joy.  Please stop by and learn more about how I entertain at corporate events at:










John Sullivan from MN Vikings has a great foundation that helps with the Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.   i have done programs here several times.




IMG_0226I enjoyed presenting magic at the Hollywood Magic Castle.   I also taught and did a lecture for hte magicians at this prestigious club.  This received many nice reviews.  The entertainment director of the Club said the show was fantastic.  I am glad.  I like to be unique and entertain with comedy magic.




4 Responses to “Comedy Magician Norm”

  1. 1 Kim M March 12, 2010 at 10:43 pm

    I was just googling, looking for a skit for kids church on Heb. 12:2. I found something by you, but the skit wasn’t there (All This Stuff! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus). At least I think it was by you! Just wondering if you have this skit and if I could get a copy of it – this verse is our March memory verse. Thanks!

    After looking at your website, I wish you were in PA! We’d love to have you here, but it’s along way from where you are to where we are! (Harrisburg, PA) Blessings! -Kim

  2. 2 Larry Kahlow October 16, 2010 at 4:38 pm

    Howdy Norm – Hows everything- Kahlow here, Just thought you could let people know we have a lecture- Dick Oslund- October 21st 7:pm-Here at the Eagle Magic & Joke Store. You should try and visit you’d like the new location. Larry.

  3. 3 magicnorm October 16, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    Yes Larry – Dick Oslund gives a great lecture and he is a great performer. I fist met him at the IBM convention in Arkansas in the 70’s.

  1. 1 Comedy Magic Brings Life to the Party « Norm’s Comedy Magic Trackback on April 18, 2009 at 6:01 pm

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