Archive for February, 2016

Minnesota Magician Performs in Hawaii

It is fun to see how magic brightens peoples days. Magicians enjoy watching magic too and that is why the two Magic clubs in Hawaii invited me to perform and teach in January. It was great to see many of the people again.  Some I had not seen since my last lecture here about 9 years ago.

magicians like watching unique and amazing tricks and it seemed like they enjoyed what I brought to this workshop.  I performed and then shared how many of the tricks were done so they could add them to their own magic shows.

I have invented many tricks and have books out that are just for magicians to help them add comedy and unique magic to their programs.

The Hawaii International Brotherhood of Magicians and Society of American Magician organizations invited the Minnesota Magician to perform and teach.

Magic add so much to a party or special event.  It is a perfect ice breaker for a company event. Please check out my mun comedy entertainment at: