Archive for October, 2011

Singapore International Brotherhood of Magicans

I had the opportunity to travel and perform in Singapore. One show had the Mayor of the City in attendance. The Mayor is also like the President of the country.  Another had other city officials there.  I enjoy seeing people laugh so it was fun to perform there.

I also had the opportunity to teach at the magicians society of Singapore one night. and the following is the review/report on my lecture that was later published in the International Brotherhood of Magicians Magazine.

In July Ring #115 had a very entertaining lecture presented by Norm Barnhart from Minnesota.  Norm has been a full time entertainer for over 29 years and brought us many comedy magic routines from his shows at company picnics, fairs, schools and libraries.

He specializes in kid and family magic and demonstrated many comedy routines that had us in laughing.  The effects included his version of needle through balloon with a smile face balloon and in the end the broken pieces are picked up and the balloon is restored and magically re-inflated. He also presented his comical hot dog trick and his mind reading rubber chicken routine both very interactive routines that grab kids attention and have visual and magical endings. He also presented original tricks such as a rainbow (mouth coil) from a sea shell, some comedy business with the fun-kin ring, and a routine where baseball and soccer cards are dropped into a hat and the #1 player is found with a huge foam finger – the birthday child’s photo is discovered as #1.

Norm’s method and routine for making a jumbo rubber spider magically appear from an empty insect book was surprising and he showed how this is a universal method that could cause nearly any object come from a book – which is a hit at libraries and can be adapted to a theme.

Norm also presented several close-up routines including a very logical and entertaining color changing silk effect and a fast and visual card trick using three kids, picking three cards. He is experienced in presenting close-up for corporate banquets as well as for many restaurants and strolling at festivals. His approach to close up is to present fast and direct effects due to the distractions that can occur at corporate events, restaurants or festivals. He does stand up and surrounded type magic that has a lot of comedy and fun interspersed.  This had our group laughing throughout the night.

Norm is also a quick balloon artist and shared a few of his original magic ideas with balloons including a bare handed inflated balloon from nowhere and a surprising and amazing stacking of acrobatic balloon animals. For those who do not do balloons he shared a trick using an inflatable penguin that is ideal for birthdays and the child gets to keep the penguin. This item lasts much longer than a balloon and makes for a memorable keepsake for the birthday child.

Along with the lecture he gave everyone free 14 page lecture notes plus he did two of his acts interspersed in the evening.  HE started with some inside comedy bits to kick off the evening and get us warmed up and midway through the lecture he donned a Charlie Chaplin/ Red Skelton type suit and did his 12 minute silent comedy magic skit about a hobo finding an old suitcase filled with magic.  This routine included billiard ball manipulations, a fantastic Zombie ball and eggs and rubber chickens appearing. Fun and magical.

Norm closed the evening by appearing as the Amazing Normondo, his award winning act. We laughed at the bumbling antics of this fall-apart comedy act that featuring a proud Las Vegas magician who is having an off night. The comedy send up was a great way to end the evening and everyone had to get a photo with the Amazing Normondo as we all posed in Normondo style.  Everyone left with a smile on their face. This was a fun lecture that included many great and practical tricks and two entertaining shows – we could not ask for more. You can see more about Norm at